
PL/Lua Introduction

PL/Lua is a procedural language module for the PostgreSQL database that allows server-side functions to be written in Lua.

Quick start

create extension pllua;

create function hello(person text) returns text language pllua as $$
  return "Hello, " .. person .. ", from Lua!"

select hello('Fred');
 Hello, Fred, from Lua!
(1 row)

Basic Examples

Using print() for interactive diagnostics

Anything passed to the print() function will be raised as a notification at INFO level, causing psql to display it interactively; program clients will usually just ignore non-error notices.

create function print_lua_ver() returns void language pllua as $$
select print_lua_ver();
INFO:  Lua 5.3
(1 row)

Simple arguments and results

Simple scalar types (integers, floats, text, bytea, boolean) are converted to the matching Lua type, and conversely for results.

create function add2(a integer, b integer) returns integer language pllua
  as $$
    return a + b

Other data types are passed as userdata objects that can be converted to strings with tostring() or accessed via provided methods and metamethods. In particular, arrays and records are accessible in most ways as though they were Lua tables, though they're actually not.

create type myrow as (a integer, b text[]);
create function foo(rec myrow) returns myrow language pllua as $$
  print("a is", rec.a)
  print("b[1] is", rec.b[1])
  print("b[2] is", rec.b[2])
  return { a = 123, b = {"fred","jim"} }
select * from foo(row(1,array['foo','bar'])::myrow);
INFO:  a is     1
INFO:  b[1] is  foo
INFO:  b[2] is  bar
  a  |     b
 123 | {fred,jim}
(1 row)

Sum of an array

create function array_sum(a integer[]) returns integer language pllua
as $$
  local total = 0
  for k,v in pairs(a) do
    total = total + v
  return total

The above assume single-dimension arrays with no NULLs. A more generic method uses the array mapping function provided by the array userdata:

create function array_sum(a integer[]) returns integer language pllua
as $$
  local total = 0
  a{ null = 0,
     map = function(v,...) total = total + v end,
     discard = true }
  return total

Returning multiple rows (SRFs)

Functions that return multiple rows (i.e. RETURNS SETOF ...) work as coroutines; each row should be returned by passing it to coroutine.yield, and when done, the function should return no values. As a special case, if the function does a return with values before doing any yield, it is considered to return 1 row.

create function val3() returns setof integer language pllua
as $$
  for i = 1,3 do
select val3();
(3 rows)

SRFs written in PL/Lua run in value-per-call mode, so the execution of the function may be (but often will not be) interleaved with other parts of the query, depending on which part of the query the function was called from.

In Lua 5.4, if execution of an SRF is aborted early due to a LIMIT clause or other form of rescan in the calling query, or if the calling portal is closed, then any <close> variables (including implicit ones in for iterators) in the function are immediately closed. In earlier Lua versions, the coroutine and any referenced objects are subject to garbage collection at some indefinite future time.

Simple database queries

The local environment created for each function is a good place to cache prepared queries:

create table objects (id integer primary key, value text);
create function get_value(id integer) returns text language pllua stable
as $$
  local r = q:execute(id)
  return r and r[1] and r[1].value or 'value not found'
do -- the part below will be executed once before the first call
  q = spi.prepare("select value from objects where id=$1")

The result of executing a query is a table containing rows (if any) for select queries, or an integer rowcount for queries that do not return rows.


create function mytrigger() returns trigger language pllua
as $$
  -- trigger functions are implicitly declared f(trigger,old,new,...)
  new.total_cost = new.price * new.qty;
  return new

JSON handling

Values of type json are passed to Lua simply as strings. But the jsonb data type is supported in a more direct fashion.

jsonb values can be mapped to Lua tables in a configurable way, and Lua tables converted back to jsonb values:

create function add_stuff(val jsonb) returns jsonb language pllua
as $$
  local t = val{}	-- convert jsonb to table with default settings
  t.newkey = { { foo = 1 }, { bar = 2 } }
  return t
select add_stuff('{"oldkey":123}');
 {"newkey": [{"foo": 1}, {"bar": 2}], "oldkey": 123}
(1 row)

The above simplistic approach will tend to drop json null values (since Lua does not store nulls in tables), and loses precision on numeric values not representable as floats; this can be avoided as follows:

create function add_stuff(val jsonb) returns jsonb language pllua
as $$
  local nullval = {}    -- use some unique object to mark nulls
  local t = val{ null = nullval, pg_numeric = true }
  t.newkey = { { foo = 1 }, { bar = 2 } }
  return t, { null = nullval }
select add_stuff('{"oldkey":[147573952589676412928,null]}');
 {"newkey": [{"foo": 1}, {"bar": 2}], "oldkey": [147573952589676412928, null]}
(1 row)

Tables that originated from JSON are tagged as to whether they were originally objects or arrays, so as long as you provide a unique null value, this form of round-trip conversion should not change anything. (See the pllua.jsonb module documentation for more detail.)

PL/Lua Reference

PostgreSQL environment

PL/Lua provides two extensions:

create extension pllua;  -- installs the trusted language
create extension plluau;  -- installs the untrusted language

Two optional transform modules exist which are useful if the optional "hstore" extension is loaded:

create extension hstore_pllua;  -- for hstore type in pllua
create extension hstore_plluau;  -- for hstore type in plluau

These allow direct conversions between hstore values and Lua tables.

The following optional configuration settings apply to PL/Lua. Most of them require superuser privileges to set.


If set, will be loaded in the postmaster process and the pllua.on_init string run there. Be careful with this, since errors in the init string will prevent PostgreSQL from starting. The benefit of this is that additional modules can be require'd into the interpreter and inherited by child processes via fork(). Most applications will likely not need this.

By default, is loaded and the init strings run on the first use within each database session.

pllua.check_for_interrupts=boolean (default: true)

If set, a hook function checks for a query cancel interrupt at intervals while running Lua code.

pllua.on_init='lua code chunk'

If set, this string is loaded and run early in the interpreter setup process. If shared_preload_libraries is used (see below), this string is run in the postmaster process (which is useful for preloading code to be inherited via fork()). No database access is possible. The print() function will output to the server log.

pllua.on_trusted_init='lua code chunk'
pllua.on_untrusted_init='lua code chunk'

This string is run late in initialization of a trusted or untrusted interpreter, as applicable. It can do database access. The trusted init string is run outside the trusted environment, so it has full access to the system; if it wishes to expose loaded modules to the trusted environment, this must be done explicitly with the trusted.allow() or trusted.require() functions described below.

pllua.on_common_init='lua code chunk'

This string is run late (after the previous init strings) in initialization of any interpreter. It can do database access. For trusted interpreter, the string is run inside the sandbox.

pllua.install_globals=boolean (default: true)

If true, the spi and pgtype modules are stored as global tables, as if by:

_G.spi = require 'pllua.spi'
_G.pgtype = require 'pllua.pgtype'

If false, this is not done, and functions wanting to access these modules will need to require them explicitly.

pllua.prebuilt_interpreters=integer (default: 1)

If was loaded in shared_preload_libraries, this specifies how many Lua states (interpreters) to prebuild. The on_init string is run independently in each one.

The sole benefit of prebuilding more than one interpreter is if you expect most database sessions to use both trusted and untrusted language functions, or trusted language functions called from SECURITY DEFINER functions under more than one user. New states are always created on demand as needed within each session if the prebuilt ones are used up.

The default is to create 1 prebuilt state if loaded from shared_preload_libraries.

pllua.interpreter_reload_ident='arbitrary string' (default: unset)

If is loaded in the postmaster, then altering this setting will cause any prebuilt interpreters to be destroyed and recreated. Also, if this value is set to a nonempty string, altering the value of pllua.on_init will also cause prebuilt interpreters to be rebuilt. The value of pllua.interpreter_reload_ident is stored in the created interpreters (as _G._PL_IDENT) for verification purposes.

If this value is unset or empty then prebuilt interpreters are not reloaded except by postmaster restart.

Additionally, altering the value causes _G._PL_IDENT_NEW to be set to the new value in existing active interpreters before their next use after the value changes.

pllua.extra_gc_multiplier=real (min 0, default 0, max 1000000)
pllua.extra_gc_threshold=real (min 0, default 0)

These options do not require superuser privilege.

If multiplier is 0 (the default), then no additional garbage collection is done.

If multiplier is set to a value greater than 0 but less than 1000000, then the amount of non-Lua memory newly allocated by the module is estimated, and before each return to the user, if that amount is at least threshold kbytes, then a LUA_GCSTEP call is made with a parameter of (allocated_kbytes * multiplier). If multiplier is set to 1000000, then a LUA_GCCOLLECT call is made instead.

Lua environment

The Lua interpreters are initialized as follows.

The standard Lua libraries are installed and a number of global functions are replaced:


replaced with a version that outputs INFO: messages to the client (except in the init strings, where it outputs LOG: to the server log)


replaced with versions that provide subtransaction support


"light" pcall with no subtransactions, but which doesn't catch all errors


replaced with a version that propagates PG errors, like lpcall

Then the pllua.trusted module is loaded and initialized, but not stored into any global variable (it can be accessed with require).

Then the on_init string is run if it is set.

Then the equivalent of the following is done:

require 'pllua.elog'
require 'pllua.funcmgr'
if install_globals then
  _G.pgtype = require 'pllua.pgtype'
  _G.spi = require 'pllua.spi'
  require 'pllua.pgtype'
  require 'pllua.spi'
require 'pllua.trigger'
require 'pllua.numeric'
require 'pllua.jsonb'

and in trusted interpreters only, the pllua.trusted module is assigned to the global _G.trusted (outside the sandbox).

Then the on_trusted_init or on_untrusted_init string is run if set.

Then the on_common_init string is run if set.

Each module is described below.

PL/Lua code is invoked in two ways. Inline code blocks are invoked as:

DO LANGUAGE pllua $$ string... $$;

This is processed as if by the following Lua code:

function inline(str)
  local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = _G })
  local chunk = assert(load(str,"DO-block","t",env))

SQL-callable function or procedure (PostgreSQL 11+ only) definitions are created as:

  AS $$ body $$;

  AS $$ body $$;

These are handled as follows. When the function is first called in a session, the body is processed as if by the following Lua function:

function compile(name,argdef,body)
  local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = _G })
  local fmt = "local self = (...) local function %s(%s) %s end return %s"
  local chunk = assert(load(string.format(fmt,name,argdef,body,name),
  return chunk(env)

For non-trigger functions, the argdef string lists the names of named arguments (if any) followed by a ... varargs definition if not all arguments have names (named arguments must not follow unnamed ones). For trigger functions, the argdef string is always "trigger,old,new,..." (where the additional arguments come from the CREATE TRIGGER definition). For event triggers, it is simply "trigger".

The intended effect is that functions and do-blocks run in their own self environment which inherits the global one. They can still set global variables, but must do so explicitly. Functions can do their own first-call initialization by ending the function block early:

create function name(args)... as $$
    --[[ code here to execute on normal call]]
    --[[ code here is executed only before first call]]


The pllua.elog module is a table of simple functions:

elog(severity, message)
elog(severity, sqlstate, message)
elog(severity, sqlstate, message, detail)
elog(severity, sqlstate, message, detail, hint)
elog(severity, { sqlstate = ?,
                 message = ?,
                 detail = ?,
                 hint = ?,
                 table = ?,
                 column = ?,
                 datatype = ?
                 constraint = ?
                 schema = ? })
debug(...)   = elog('debug',...)
log(...)     = elog('log',...)
info(...)    = elog('info',...)
notice(...)  = elog('notice',...)
warning(...) = elog('warning',...)
error(...)   = elog('error',...)

This is just the obvious wrapper around pg's ereport() call.

sqlstate parameters may be either 5-character codes or the error names from the appendix to the PostgreSQL manual.

By default these functions are also available via the spi module.


SQL errors caught in Lua code are represented as objects rather than strings, though print() or tostring() will give a formatted text representation. The pllua.error module provides the following simple functions as a table:

returns "error" if e is an SQL error object, otherwise nothing
returns e.errcode if e is an SQL error object, otherwise nothing
returns e.category if e is an SQL error object, otherwise nothing

Error objects themselves have the following string fields always present:

The error category name, e.g. "data_exception", or a 5-character sqlstate category code (xx000) if no name is known
The error code name, e.g. "numeric_value_out_of_range", or a 5-character sqlstate if no name for the error is known
A string "error" (other values like "warning" should never be seen)
The 5-character sqlstate code for the error
The error message text

The following optional fields (unless stated, values are string or nil) may be present, if supplied by the code that raised the error:

The error context
Name of a column associated with the error, if any
Name of a constraint associated with the error, if any
Name of a data type associated with the error, if any
Detail message supplied for the error, if any
The hint text for the error
integer; the character position within the internal query
internal query text for the error
Untranslated error message text (not available in PostgreSQL 9.5)
Source file of the error
Source function name of the error
integer; source line number of the error
integer; character position of the error within the original query
Name of a schema associated with the error, if any
Name of a table associated with the error, if any


This module exposes nothing to Lua.


The pgtype object provides the following functionality:

if value is a Datum type, returns its typeinfo, else nil
if value is a Datum type, returns its typeinfo, otherwise returns the typeinfo of the result type of the current function (if any)
if value is a Datum type, returns its typeinfo, otherwise returns the typeinfo of argument "argno" (1..n) of the current function (if any). This is the recommended way to get the type of a function parameter which might have been transparently converted to a Lua value.
parse 'typename' as an SQL type string and return the typeinfo (or nil if no such type exists)
parse 'typename' as an SQL type string and return the typeinfo of its array type (or nil if no such type exists)

The typeinfo object returned from any of the above has the following functionality:

Construct a new Datum object by copying from the specified value, which must already be of a compatible type
Construct a new Datum object of the specified type from the arguments given. The nature of the arguments varies according to the category of type being constructed.
Construct a new Datum object given its standard text representation in str. For some types the distinction between typeinfo:fromstring(str) and typeinfo(str) is significant.
Construct a new Datum object given its wire-protocol binary representation in str. This is less useful than it might seem because for many data types, the interpretation of the binary representation is dependent on the client_encoding setting.
Returns the name of the type as SQL syntax (same as the format_type function in SQL, or ::regtype output)
For array or range types, returns the typeinfo of the element type
For row types, returns the typeinfo of the named column

The type constructor call has the following forms according to the type category (scalar, row, array, range)


In order, stopping on the first success:

  1. If the input value is not a single string, and a transform function exists for this type, then the transform function is called to try and convert the value. Certain types (for example jsonb and, in version 2.0.3+ of this module, date/time types), have built-in special transform functions which are documented below.

  2. If there is more than one input value, an error is raised.

  3. The built-in simple transforms from Lua values to SQL types are tried, including checking for domains over known types. Note: in some cases, especially bytea, this gives a different result for string input than :fromstring would.

  4. If the input is a single string, it is processed as if by scalartype:fromstring(str)

  5. Otherwise an error is raised.


If passed a single Lua table or userdata (other than a Datum), this is assumed to be indexable by column names, and a row is constructed by applying the typeinfo operation of each column type to the indexed value.


otherwise, the number of arguments must equal the arity of the row (i.e. the number of undropped columns). Each argument is matched positionally to its column, converted to the column's type, and then has typmod coercion applied if necessary (e.g. length checks for varchar(n), padding for char(n) etc.)


constructs an empty array.


constructs a one-dimensional array of the specified values. (currently, the ambiguous case where one single Datum is passed is resolved as the generic typeinfo(datum) call, NOT this one)

arraytype(table, dim...)

One integer value must be given for each dimension of the array. The table is indexed accordingly to populate the new array.


Constructs a one-dimensional array assuming the largest integer index in the table as the array size. (Use the above form for multi-dimensional arrays or for precise control over the size when trailing nulls are allowed.)


constructs an empty range


as for rangetype:fromstring(string)


Constructs a range from specified bounds, with nil values treated as infinities, and the "bounds" string interpreted in the usual way (i.e. "[]", "[)", "(]", "()").

Some specific types have additional functions: see the pllua.jsonb, pllua.numeric and pllua.time modules.

Datum values themselves provide the following:


returns the datum's standard text representation (inverse of typeinfo:fromstring())

(tobinary function/syntax TBD)

Datum values of row types allow indexing by name or number:


Indexed column values can be assigned to.

Note that the attno does not correspond to the positional index of the column if columns have been dropped.

Row types can be iterated with pairs() (but do NOT use ipairs):

for colname,value,attno in pairs(rowval) do ...

This iteration is always in column order.

Datum values of array type allow indexing by number, including multiple dimensions, and assignments to individual elements:

arrayval[i][j]  etc.

Arrays can be iterated with pairs() and, in some Lua versions only, ipairs():

for i,val in ipairs(arrayval) do ...

Datum values of range type provide the following immutable pseudo-columns:


Datum values of row, array or jsonb type provide a mapping/deserialization operation:

rowval{ map = function(colname,value,attno,row) ... return value end,
        null = (any value, default nil),
        discard = (boolean, default false)

arrayval{ map = function(elem,array,i,j,k...) ... return elem end,
          null = (any value, default nil),
          discard = (boolean, default false)

jsonbval{ map = function(key,val,...) ... return key,val end,
          null = (any value, default nil),
          discard = (boolean, default false),
          pg_numeric = (boolean, default false),
		  norecurse = (boolean, default false)

The result in all cases is returned as a Lua table, not a datum, unless the "discard" option was given as true, in which case no result at all is returned.

The map function for arrays is passed as many indexes as the original array dimension.

The map function for jsonb values is passed the path leading up to the current key (not including the key) as separate additional parameters. The key is an integer if the current container is an array, a string if the container is an object, and nil if this is a single top-level scalar value (which I believe is not strictly allowed in the JSON spec, but PostgreSQL allows it). The key/val returned by the function are used to store the result, but do not affect the path values passed to any other function call. If discard is not specified, then the function is also called for completed containers (in which case val will be a table). If pg_numeric is not true, then numeric values are converted to Lua numbers, otherwise they remain as Datum values of numeric type (for which see below). If norecurse is true, array or object values will be treated as datums of jsonb type, otherwise they will be recursed into.

The norecurse option was added in version 2.0.8 and is ignored in earlier versions.

All tables returned from a jsonb mapping will be tagged with metatables that record whether they were originally arrays or objects; see the pllua.jsonb module for details.

Substitution of null values happens BEFORE the mapping function is called; if that's not what you want, then do the substitution yourself before returning the result. (If the mapping function itself returns a Lua nil, then the entry will be omitted from the result.)

The built-in simple type transformations from PG to Lua are as follows:

text, varchar(n), char(n), xml, json, name, cstring  ->  string

bytea  ->  string, WITHOUT any escaping or conversions

enum  ->  string

boolean  ->  boolean

float4, float8  ->  number

oid, smallint, integer  ->  number

bigint  ->  number  IF the underlying Lua has 64-bit integers

refcursor  ->  SPI cursor object

NULL of any type  ->  nil

If a transform function is defined for a given type, then it behaves as if added to the list of simple transformations. Otherwise, values received from PG remain as Datum objects.

The built-in simple transforms from Lua to PG are:

nil  ->  any type

boolean  ->  boolean

string  ->  text, varchar, cstring, refcursor

string  ->  bytea, WITHOUT conversion or escaping

string  ->  boolean  (accepts only "true","t","1","false","f","0")

number  ->  smallint, integer, bigint, oid  (error unless exact integer)

number  ->  float4, float8

number  ->  boolean  (accepts only 0 or 1)

number  ->  numeric

SPI cursor object  ->  refcursor

Conversions not listed as "simple transforms" are done with either a builtin special transform, an SQL transform function if defined, or the type constructor as detailed above.

Notice that for bytea, the simple transform just copies the bytes (Lua strings are byte strings, not character strings). This makes the simple conversion quite different to the fromstring/tostring conversion, which uses the PG text representation.


The spi module provides the following functionality (as a table of functions):

spi.execute("query text", arg, arg, ...)
spi.execute_count("query text", maxrows, arg, arg, ...)

execute the given query text as SQL with the given arguments. Returns a table containing a sequence (possibly empty) of rows for queries that return rows, otherwise returns an integer count.

Specifying either 0 or nil for maxrows results in fetching all available rows.

For all query execution methods, if called from a nonvolatile function, the query will be run in "readonly" mode using the caller's snapshot. Otherwise a new snapshot is taken.

spi.prepare("query text", {argtypes}, [{options}])

returns a statement object. {argtypes} is a table containing type names or typeinfo objects. Allowed options are:

  • scroll = true or false
  • no_scroll = true
  • hold = true
  • fast_start = true
  • custom_plan = true
  • generic_plan = true
  • fetch_count = integer

The fetch_count option is used only by rows() iterators.

spi.rows("query text", args...)

returns an iterator:

for r in spi.rows("query") do ...

if "name" is the name of an open portal (i.e. cursor), then returns a cursor object to access this portal. Otherwise returns nil. The cursor is marked as unowned (it will not be closed by garbage collection).


if "name" is the name of an open portal (i.e. cursor), then returns a cursor object (unowned) to access this portal. Otherwise creates a new cursor object with no portal, recording the name given for use with a later open() call.


returns true if the call context is atomic with respect to (top-level) transactions; this is always true in pg versions before PostgreSQL 11; it is only false when code is being executed in PostgreSQL 11+ in a CALL or DO statement which is outside any explicit transaction. (These are the only contexts in which spi.commit and spi.rollback are allowed.)


(Not defined in pg versions before 11). If in a non-atomic context, these commit or abort the current transaction, and immediately start a new one. An error is raised if they are attempted in an atomic context or inside a subtransaction.

spi.error(...), .warning(...), .notice(...), .info(...), .debug(...), .log(...)

These functions from pllua.elog are accessible via spi.* for convenience.

SPI statement objects have the following functionality:

stmt(arg, arg, ...)
stmt:execute(arg, arg, ...)
stmt:execute_count(maxrows, arg, arg, ...)

execute the statement, with the same result as spi.execute

stmt:getcursor(arg, arg, ...)

return an open cursor (with an arbitrarily assigned name) for the statement. The cursor is marked as owned.

stmt:rows(arg, arg, ...)

return an iterator for the statement execution, as spi.rows()


returns an integer giving the expected number of arguments (including any unused numbered params) expected


returns the typeinfo for the expected type of the specified arg

SPI cursor objects have the following functionality:


The cursor object must not be already open. The specified statement or query string is executed in a new portal whose name is given by the cursor name (if one has been assigned).

The original cursor object is returned. Cursors returned by an open() call are marked as owned.


returns true if the cursor is open


close the portal (whether or not we created it or own it)


returns true if the cursor is marked as owned. An "owned" cursor has its portal closed (if it's still open) if the cursor object is garbage-collected; this is intended for cursors opened by Lua functions and not returned to callers. An unowned cursor's portal is not affected by the collection of the cursor object.


mark the cursor as owned or not. Returns the cursor.

Typical intended use is return c:disown() when returning a cursor opened by a function to its caller.


returns the open portal name (if the cursor is open) or the assigned name (if not).

cur:fetch([n, [dir]])

Fetch according to the specified number and direction parameters. "dir" can be:

"forward" / "next"
fetch N rows forward
"backward" / "prior"
fetch N rows backward
fetch row at absolute position n
fetch row at relative position n

By default, fetch one row in the forward direction.

cur:move([n, [dir]])

Move the cursor without fetching. Note that the cursor is left at the same position it would be after executing the same operation as a fetch. So to position the cursor such that the next forward fetch will return the first row, use cur:move(0, 'absolute')

There can only be one cursor object for a given open portal - doing a findcursor on an existing cursor will always return the same object. (But note that this matching is by portal, not name - if a cursor was closed and reopened with the same name, findcursor will return a different object for the new cursor.) If a cursor is closed by external code (or transaction end), then the :isopen() state will be automatically updated (this happens when the portal is actually dropped). Cursor options are set on the statement object.

refcursor parameters and results are transparently converted to and from SPI cursor objects. But note that when returning a cursor from a function, it should be explicitly disowned to ensure that garbage collection won't close it from under the caller's use of it.


The trusted interpreter is implemented using a sandbox system; trusted-language code is run in an environment into which only safe functions have been copied (or proxied).

However, in order to allow administrators to provide access to additional modules inside the sandbox in a controlled manner, the initialization strings on_init and on_trusted_init are run outside the sandbox and the functions in pllua.trusted can be used by those strings to make additional modules accessible.

For example, setting


would load the lpeg and re modules and make them accessible inside the sandbox via require "lpeg" etc.

THE ADMINISTRATOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE SECURITY AND SAFETY OF MODULES. It must be stressed that many modules, whether implemented in Lua or C, perform operations that will either violate security or risk crashing the server. A non-exhausive list of things that are dangerous in modules would include:

  • any assumption that the caller's _G or _ENV is the same as the module's, or any exposure of the module's _G to the caller

  • any i/o or networking functionality exposed by the module to the caller

  • any use of lua_pcall or lua_resume from C to call code that might throw an SQL error

The available functions are:

trusted.allow(module, newname, mode, global, preload)

This makes the module module accessible via require 'newname' (newname is defaulted to module if nil or omitted) inside the sandbox using the adapter specified by mode (default "proxy"). The module is not actually loaded until the first require unless either global or preload is a true value.

Then, if global is true or a string, it executes the equivalent of:

_G[ (type(global)=="string" and global) or newname or module ]
  = require(newname or module)

inside the sandbox.

Mode can be "direct" (exposes the module to the sandbox directly), "copy" (makes a recursive copy of it and any contained tables, without copying metatables, otherwise as "direct"), and "proxy" which returns a proxy table having the module in the metatable index slot (and any table members in the module proxied likewise; "sproxy" omits this step). All modes behave like "direct" if the module's value is not a table.

PROXY MODE IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A FULLY SECURE WRAPPER FOR ARBITRARY MODULES. It's intended to make it possible for simple and well-behaved modules or adapters to be used easily while protecting the "outside" copy from direct modification from inside. If the module returns any table from a function, that table might be modified from inside the sandbox.

NEITHER PROXY MODE NOR COPY MODE ARE GUARANTEED TO WORK ON ALL MODULES. The following constructs (for example) will typically defeat usage of either mode:

  • use of empty tables as unique identifiers

  • use of table values as keys

  • metatables on the module table or its contents with anything other than __call methods

If you find yourself wanting to use this on a module more complex than (for example) "lpeg" or "re", then consider whether you ought to be using the untrusted language instead.

If the module parameter is actually a table, it is treated as a sequence, each element of which is either a module name or a table { 'module', newname, mode, global, preload } with missing values defaulted to the original arguments. This enables the common case usage to be just:

trusted.allow{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
trusted.require(module, newname, mode)

equiv. to trusted.allow(module, newname, mode, true, true)


undoes either of the above (probably not very useful, but you could do trusted.remove('os') or whatever)

To use these functions from the on_init string, you must require 'pllua.trusted' explicitly, and use the return value of that to access the functions. Passing a true value for the preload argument of trusted.allow allows for preloading of modules before forking when using prebuilt interpreters.

The trusted environment's version of load overrides the text/binary mode field (loading binary functions is unsafe) and overrides the environment to be the trusted sandbox if the caller didn't provide one itself (but the caller can still give an explicit environment of nil or anything else).


This module provides nothing directly to Lua, but a trigger parameter is passed as the first parameter to trigger functions (and a different trigger parameter to event-trigger functions).

The trigger object for DDL triggers ("event triggers") provides the following values when indexed:

Event for which the trigger was fired
Command tag

See the PostgreSQL documentation for details.

The trigger object for DML triggers provides the following values when indexed:
the "new" row for the operation (or nil)
the "old" row for the operation (or nil)
an alias for whichever of old or new the operation is expected to return; i.e. new for insert or update operations, old for deletes
name used in CREATE TRIGGER
"before", "after" or "instead"
"insert", "update", "delete", "truncate"
"row" or "statement"
a table

The trigger.relation table has this form:

  ["namespace"] = "public",
  ["attributes"] = {
    ["test_column"] = 1,
  ["name"] = "table_name",
  ["oid"] = 59059

The fields of the trigger object are immutable with the exception of trigger.row, which can be assigned a new row wholesale in order to alter the result of the operation in a before trigger. This immutability does not extend to contained fields: a trigger can instead assign to individual new.* fields and the result will reflect this.

The result of any trigger function which is not called BEFORE or INSTEAD, or is not called FOR EACH ROW, is ignored (as are any changes it makes to the trigger object). Trigger functions which are called BEFORE or INSTEAD and FOR EACH ROW can do one of three things:

  1. To complete the operation normally, with no changes to the data, either return no value at all (not even nil), or return trigger.row without having assigned to trigger.row or any field of old or new.

  2. To complete the operation normally with modified data:

    1. A non-nil return value will be converted to the table's row type using the type constructor, and this will be the new tuple, overriding any previous tuple and superseding any changes made to trigger.row or new/old.

    2. Returning no value at all (not even nil) having modified the content of trigger.row (directly or via whichever of new or old is appropriate for the triggered operation) will result in the value of trigger.row being used as the new tuple.

  3. To suppress the operation, return the value nil, or assign nil to trigger.row.


PostgreSQL values of numeric type (henceforth Numeric values) are converted to Datum objects as normal, but this module provides substantial additional functionality for such types. The methods and metamethods for Numeric values are accessible by default; code can require 'pllua.numeric' in order to obtain access to the additional non-method functions, e.g.:

num = require 'pllua.numeric'
if num.equal(x,y) then ...

Equality comparison is restricted by Lua semantics; a Numeric value will never compare equal (==) to a Lua number, however == between two Numerics compares for numerical equality. A plain function num.equal(x,y) is provided for comparing equality. Note that Numerics used as table keys will likely not work in any useful way since two equal values are unlikely to compare as raw-equal. Other operations allow mixed types, and will return Numeric if any input value is.

Arithmetic operations on Numeric use PG semantics. In particular, the // division operation truncates towards zero, not to -inf, and the % modulus operator returns a result with the sign of the dividend, not the sign of the divisor.

These functions are available directly or as methods on a Numeric datum. (As direct calls they allow input of any Lua number.)

(as expected)
(optional base parameter defaults to natural log)
returns nil if not exactly representable as a Lua integer
returns a Lua number, not exact
take an optional number of digits parameter

The function will construct a new Numeric datum, as will pgtype.numeric(x).


jsonb supports an inverse mapping operation for construction of JSON values from Lua data:

             { map = function(val) ... return val end,
               null = (any value, default nil),
               empty_object = (boolean, default false)
               array_thresh = (integer, default 1000)
               array_frac = (integer, default 1000)

value can be composed of any combination of the following (where "collection" means a value which is either a table or possesses a __pairs metamethod):

  • Datum values of type numeric convert to json numbers

  • Datum values of other types convert to json in the same way as they do in SQL; in particular, jsonb and json values are included directly, and values with casts to jsonb have those casts respected

  • Tables which have had the is_object or is_array metatable set (see below), which will convert to objects or arrays respectively (for arrays, any non-integer keys will be ignored)

  • Empty collections, which will convert to empty json arrays unless empty_object=true in which case they become empty objects

  • Collections with only integer keys not less than 1, which will convert to json arrays (with lua index 1 becoming json index 0) unless either more than array_thresh initial null values would have to be inserted, or the total size of the array would be more than array_frac times the number of table keys.

  • Collections with keys which can be stringified (i.e. strings or numbers, or tables or userdata with __tostring methods) will convert to json objects.

  • Values which compare raw-equal to the null parameter are converted to json nulls

  • Values of type nil, boolean, number, string are converted to corresponding json values

  • Values of other types that possess a __tostring metamethod are converted to strings

Unlike the other mapping functions, the map function for this operation is called only for values (including collections), not keys, and is not passed any path information.

The use of metatables to distinguish JSON objects and arrays means that the transformation from jsonb to Lua tables and back preserves the original content as long as a unique null value is provided. However, for more complex manipulations, the following functions are available via require "pllua.jsonb":


Returns true if table corresponds to a JSON object, false if it corresponds to an array, and no value if neither


Returns true if table corresponds to a JSON array, false if it corresponds to an object, and no value if neither


Mark the table as corresponding to a JSON array, and return it. The table must not already have a metatable, unless it's the one set by this function or by set_as_object.


Mark the table as corresponding to a JSON object, and return it. The table must not already have a metatable, unless it's the one set by this function or by set_as_array.


Mark the table as not corresponding to either a JSON object or array, and return it. This is the only way to remove the metatable that marks the JSON type, so you may need it if you want to apply some other metatable instead.

In addition the following functions are provided from version 2.0.8 on:


Equivalent to pairs() but accepts only a jsonb Datum. Note that pairs(val) also works in this case.

If the JSON value is an array, then this will process the keys in numerical order, identically to jsonb.ipairs below. This is also true for pairs(val) on a jsonb Datum, even though it's not true for Lua tables.


Roughly equivalent to what ipairs() would do, accepting a jsonb value that must be an array. Does not stop on null values, and the first index returned is index 0.

Note that ipairs(val) does not work on jsonb Datums.

jsonb.type(val, [lax])

Returns the type of the top-level value within val. The type name will be one of the strings "array", "object", "null", "number", "string", "boolean". If lax is supplied as a true value, then the values "null", "number", "string", "boolean" will also be returned for plain Lua values of the appropriate types, and "number" will be returned for Datum values of "numeric" type; if lax is not given or is false, then nil is returned for any value other than a jsonb datum.


This module was added in version 2.0.2.

This module (not available in trusted mode) provides functions which return the locations of server directories:

the directory containing server executables
directory for object libraries
this is the directory used for $libdir expansion in module paths
directory for ancillary read-only data files
directory for locale-dependent data, if any

The following paths are also available, though they may not exist (the returned value only indicates where they are expected to be based on the compile-time options and the location of the server binary):

directory for documentation
directory for system-wide config files
directory for html documentation
directory for include files
directory for server-specific include files
directory for manual pages
I have no idea what this is supposed to be for


This module was added in version 2.0.3.

SQL types timestamp with time zone (aka timestamptz), timestamp, date, time, timetz, and interval (collectively referred to here as "datetime types") have additional functionality provided by this module. All of this functionality is currently available by default; the module does not need to be explicitly loaded.

Datetime types allow the following type constructor:

pgtype.typename({ args... })

where the parameter is a table similar to that used by os.time with many extensions, detailed below.

Datum values of datetime types also support the following method call:


which returns the value broken down into a table of calendar values.

For timestamp with time zone only,


performs the same breakdown but returns the result relative to the specified timezone name (abbreviations not permitted) or offset, following the same rules as for the timezone field.

(If the input value is infinite, the table will contain only an infinite-valued epoch field; otherwise no epoch field will be present.)

Datum values of datetime types also support field accesses such as:


etc. The available field names are those supported by the SQL extract() function as documented in the PostgreSQL manual. The following extra fields are also supported:

alias for week (both forms use the ISO week number)
epoch value scaled to milliseconds
epoch value scaled to (integer) microseconds

The following entries are recognized in tables representing datetime values:

Calendar year, e.g. 2019
Month number 1..12
Day of month
Hour (24-hour clock)
Second (with fractional values allowed)
Milliseconds (with fractional values allowed)
If the specified time is within a DST boundary interval, then this specifies whether it is interpreted according to the DST or non-DST time. Otherwise it is ignored.
Specifies a Unix epoch time in seconds (fractions are allowed)
Specifies a Unix epoch time in milliseconds (fractions are allowed)
Specifies a Unix epoch time in microseconds
If a string, this may be a timezone name (not an abbreviation), or a UTC offset in the form "+0100". If a number, then it is taken to be a UTC offset in seconds. A boolean value of true means to use the current session timezone, for use in contexts where that is not the default.
Ignored on input, this is set to the timezone abbreviation (e.g. EST) for tables generated from timestamp with time zone values.

Epoch values and calendar values may not both be specified, but the timezone and msec and usec fractional values may be specified alongside either.

Calendar values may be specified outside their normal ranges, and (except for the interval type) will be normalized before any conversion. (In particular, any DST boundaries are not taken into account when normalizing.)

Millisecond or microsecond values specified may exceed one second, in which case they are applied after other conversions (and thus will take DST boundaries into account where appropriate).

The values are interpreted according to the requested data type as follows:


If calendar values year, month, day are specified they are used as-is. A timezone must not be specified in this case.

If an epoch time is specified, then the result is the calendar day in the specified timezone (or UTC if not set) which contains the specified epoch time.

timestamp with time zone

If an epoch time is specified then no timezone may be specified, and the result corresponds to the specified epoch time.

If a calendar date and time is specified, then it is interpreted according to the specified timezone (defaulting to the session timezone if not specified). The time fields are optional and default to 0.


If an epoch time is specified with a timezone, then the result is the corresponding calendar time in the specified timezone at that epoch.

If an epoch time is specified with no timezone, then it is interpreted as a seconds offset from 1970-01-01 00:00:00, with no DST transitions.

If a calendar date and time is specified, then no timezone may be specified, and the result is the calendar time. The time fields are optional and default to 0.


If an epoch is specified, it is assumed to be an offset since midnight. The result is taken modulo 1 day.

If a calendar time is specified, it is used as-is. Date and timezone fields are ignored.


WARNING: this type should not be used for anything.

A timezone value specified must be an integer or a string offset, not a timezone name. Other input is used as for time, and the offset field of the result is set to the specified timezone.


An interval is constructed from any combination of the specified fields, which are not normalized first.

Building PL/Lua

GNU Make is required to build, as usual for PostgreSQL extensions.

This module assumes you have already built Lua itself, either as a shared library or as an archive library with -fPIC (on most platforms a non-PIC archive library will not work). A shared library is recommended.

PL/Lua is developed and tested against LuaJIT 2.1beta, Lua 5.3, and Lua 5.4. In the case of Lua 5.4, a runtime check is performed to ensure that version 5.4.2 or later is used, to avoid excessive stack usage from the stack-based VM of earlier 5.4 releases.

Building the pllua module

Lua unfortunately does not provide much in the way of infrastructure for determining build locations; accordingly, those have to be specified explicitly to build this module. The following values must be defined on the make command line or in the environment:

directory containing lua.h, luaconf.h, lualib.h
linker options needed to link, typically -Lsomedir -llua-5.3

And if building with standard Lua:

name or full path of the luac binary (bytecode compiler)
name or full path of the lua binary

Or if building with Luajit:

name or full path of the luajit binary

In addition, as for all PGXS modules, PG_CONFIG must be set to the name or full path of the pg_config binary corresponding to the PostgreSQL server version being compiled against, unless the correct pg_config is already findable via $PATH (which is usually not the case).


make PG_CONFIG=/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_config \
     LUA_INCDIR="/usr/include/lua5.3" \
     LUALIB="-llua5.3" \
     LUAC="luac5.3" LUA="lua5.3" install

Building the hstore_pllua module

Currently, the hstore_pllua module does not need LUALIB on most platforms (since it will reference lua functions either exported by or by a library loaded by

You should specify LUALIB if you're using a shared lua library and your platform isn't exposing symbols from one module's loaded dependencies to other modules. If you're using a shared library then specifying LIBLUA unnecessarily is harmless.


make -C hstore \
     PG_CONFIG=/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_config \
     LUA_INCDIR="/usr/include/lua5.3" \
     LUAC="luac5.3" LUA="lua5.3" install

Building the documentation

Specifying BUILD_DOCS=1 will build the HTML documentation from the Markdown doc sources; this requires cmark and xsltproc.

Additionally specifying BUILD_ICON=1 will include the favicon in the HTML documentation; this requires ImageMagick's convert program.

VPATH builds

Both modules support building with VPATH, which can either be explicitly set or, if make -f /path/to/Makefile is used to specify a makefile outside the current directory and VPATH is not explicitly set, then VPATH will be set to the directory containing the Makefile.

Luajit options

PLLUA_CONFIG_OPTS can be used to control certain aspects of pllua's behavior when built with Luajit.

disables all use of luajit features
convert sql bigints to cdata int64_t

The latter is off by default because it has some possibly undesirable effects on bigint handling, especially when serializing to JSON. However, as long as NO_LUAJIT was not specified, cdata integers can be freely returned from functions or passed to SQL type constructors.

Actual JIT compilation of user-supplied lua code is not affected by any of these options.

Porting options

If you have problems building on an unusual platform, then these options might be useful. The values shown are the defaults if any.

$(LD) -r -b binary

The command $(BIN_LD) -o file.o dir/datafile.ext is assumed to produce file.o containing a data section populated with the content of datafile.ext, with symbols _binary_dir_datafile_ext_start and _binary_dir_datafile_ext_end bracketing the data. The default is believed to work for most GNU ld and (recent) LLVM lld targets, but it is known to fail on some non-mainstream architecture distributions.

The value of BIN_LD can be set to any suitable equivalent command.


The output of BIN_LD is passed through OBJCOPY to make the data section read-only, but this is a non-critical operation. If no working objcopy is available, this can be set to 'false'.


If both of these are set, then BIN_LD is assumed not to work, and instead the command

$(OBJCOPY) -B $(BIN_ARCH) -I binary -O $(BIN_FMT) datafile.ext file.o

will be used in its place. The following values have been used on linux-mips64el to work around build failures with ld -r:

BIN_ARCH=mips:isa64r2 BIN_FMT=elf64-tradlittlemips
$(LUAJIT) -b -g -t raw

On Luajit, the bytecode compile option only works if luajit has been fully installed. In test environments where only the luajit build dir is otherwise needed, the bytecode compilation step can be skipped by setting LUAJITC="cp". (The bytecode compile can also be skipped in non-luajit builds by setting LUAC='$(REORDER_O) cp' but this is not expected to be useful.)